We Help Individuals Who Have Sustained Concussions Recover Compensation

Some of the most devastating bodily injuries leave no visible scars. Brain injuries, in particular, can dramatically upend your life yet remain invisible to the naked eye. At The Law Office of Hurst Limontes LLC, we regularly represent clients who have suffered a concussion through no fault of their own and work hard to ensure they obtain the compensation they deserve.

What Is a Concussion?

The human brain is enormously complex but also highly sensitive. Cushioned by fluid and encased in our skills, the brain is protected from most everyday contact, like bumping your head lightly on a beam in the attic. Nevertheless, a forceful jolt to the head or body can cause the brain to slide around inside the skull, causing serious injury.

After a concussion, your brain function becomes impaired. Your brain might enter a reduced metabolic state, which can cause a small number of brain cells to die. The transmission of neurons also slows down while cerebral blood flow is reduced. These changes can last for up to a month or longer, depending on the severity of the blow. In the most serious cases, victims may develop long-term problems that never fully resolve.

What Causes a Concussion?

Any jolt to the body or head of sufficient force can cause a concussion. For example, you might suffer a concussion in the following ways:

  • A car, motorcycle, or truck accident
  • A slip and fall
  • Someone striking you with an object
  • Accidentally getting hit in the head, for example during sports

How Do You Know if You Have a Concussion?

Concussions can be very difficult to identify. In some cases, people may not realize that they have sustained a concussion for hours or even days after the injury has occurred. Here some of the more common signs of concussion that you should look out for after a head injury:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Slurred speech
  • Increased sensitivity to light or noise
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Changes in sleep patterns

If you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical help right away. A doctor might need to perform tests to diagnose the concussion properly. If you notice that your symptoms are worsening—for example, your headache only seems to get stronger—then mention those symptoms to your doctor.

Concussion Complications

Concussions can range significantly in severity. While it is certainly true that people are symptom free within a couple of weeks, many concussion victims deal with debilitating symptoms for months or even years. Generally, moderate and severe concussions can take longer to heal, and many victims suffer from long-lasting complications, such as:

  • Personality changes
  • Depression
  • Seizures or convulsions
  • Memory problems
  • Difficulty communicating

These complications impede any return to your old routine, including your ability to return to work. They can also have negative effects on your personal and intimate relationships. As a result, a concussion could have a negative effect on nearly every aspect of your life.

Who Can I Hold Responsible for My Concussion?

At our firm, we regularly meet with people who have suffered a terrible injury and are worried about how they will pay the medical bills that arrive continuously in their mailboxes. Many of these people are of prime working age, but their injuries are so severe that they cannot return to work. When our clients suffer a concussion or other traumatic brain injury, they often report difficulty concentrating and reasoning. As a result, many cannot leave the house for weeks or more at a time.

Under Indiana law, if your concussion was caused by someone else’s negligence, there is a good chance that you can hold them liable for your accident-related losses – both economic and non-economic. Some examples of parties who could potentially be held liable for a concussion-causing accident include:

  • A motorist who slammed into you on the road.
  • A store owner who failed to clean up a spill in a reasonable amount of time, causing you to slip and fall
  • A school or sports league if the injury you suffered isn’t one that occurs in the normal course of play.

The facts you need to prove will depend on the case. For example, if you suffered a concussion after a car accident, you will need to prove that the other driver’s negligence or recklessness caused the crash. You will point to any dangerous driving behavior, such as:

  • Speeding
  • Erratic lane changes
  • Tailgating
  • Illegal passing
  • Failing to obey traffic signs or signals
  • Failing to check the blind spot or rearview mirror
  • Driving while intoxicated
  • Driving while distracted

What Compensation Can I Receive?

Injured victims need money to find their financial footing and provide for their families. Some examples of the kinds of losses that are often recoverable in personal injury cases that involve concussions include:

  • Medical expenses, including the costs of hospital stays, surgeries, doctor visits, transportation to the hospital, tests and X-rays, prescription drugs, and rehabilitation.
  • Future medical expenses, if your brain injury is so serious you need continuing care.
  • Lost wages for any time you could not work because of your concussion.
  • Lost future wages, if your brain injury prevents you from returning to your old job.
  • Property damage for any damage to your car or other property.

In addition, many concussion victims are able to recover compensation for non-economic damages such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Disfigurement
  • Emotional distress or trauma
  • Permanent disability

To better understand what compensation is available for you, remember to hold onto all medical bills and receipts, which can help prove your economic losses. Find pay stubs or tax returns that show your income, and carefully document the pain you feel. Each case is unique, but based on our experience, we can help you better understand what kind of financial compensation you might be entitled to.

Reach out to an Indianapolis Concussion Lawyer

If you have suffered a concussion, don’t delay reaching out for help. At The Law Office of Hurst Limontes LLC, we are ready to fight for you, but we need to hear from you first. Indiana only gives personal injury victims two years to bring a lawsuit, so time is of the essence. Contact our office for a free consultation by calling (317) 636-0808 or filling out this contact form.